What is the political situation now in USA? Clear answer is nobody knows including Trump. WP writes " Trumpworld is a place where there are dueling centers of power, where actual motives are opaque and where only those related by blood or marriage are ever truly trusted and invulnerable".
So by all signs and signatures, country has voted to trust a businessman to lift their economic condition which is steadily sliding in United States. Voters have registered their loss of faith in career politicians. Question is-can Trump turn around this country using his business acumen ?
In all fairness, he can do it well if he desires to. He needs to hire more businessmen like Romney into his cabinet. But by hiring people like Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions, he sent wrong signals so far. Bannon and Session are more interested in a white nation than doing business across the isles.
Trump is right when he said, only way to move forward is to create more and more new business in USA. But that can't happen without immigrants in USA. Nearly 2/3rd of the new technology companies in USA have been created by immigrants. Appointing anti-immigrant nuts like Bannon and Sessions wont help boosting US business. Cracking down and deportation of convicted illegal immigrants are fine but rest of the illegal immigrants could have been used in much better productive way if there is a way to grant them a sort of work permit even if that doesn't need to be categorized as green card so that path to citizenship is blocked to be fair with legal immigrants who have been waiting for such a long time for a green card. Middle path can always be sorted out to balance concerns of both sides.