Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Puneet for Lt Governor of VA- Asian Americans must support him rising above party affiliation and ideology

 I was so delighted when Puneet declared his campaign for Lt Governor race of VA. Remember in this Congress or in the past Governor race, so far all the Indian candidates are second generation Indians. Puneet is an exception. He is a first generation immigrants just like me and yet he has made to top of US political echelon.  And it matters a lot since he is highly aware of South Asian affairs. If elected, Puneet will be first Asian American Lt Governor in Virginia. 

  I am  asking all the Asians to vote for Puneet, not just because he is my friend, or an Indian or  an Asian.  I am asking to vote for him, to empower his rise in US politics for a very genuine and deeply concerning reason. I have seen firsthand how he has worked tirelessly in DC politics  to protect the rights and safety of religious minorities in South Asia. He can be the voice of all religious minorities of South Asia in American politics.  I recall many evenings in his house in McLean  where Puneet has explained to me how different minority religious groups have approached to him and he has been successful to persuade the senators to write to the head of the respective countries urging the protection of the religious minorities. 

You may ask, why then Lt Governor race?  He could run for Senate which oversees external affairs.   But I do believe he made the right choice to run for Lt Governor race because given both the incumbent VA senators are democrats, Puneet needs to get his footing across the length and breadth of the state first. VA senate is divided and with a thriving Asian community in  the state, he can play a very critical role

We inherited a fractured, wounded and divided South Asia left by the British Raj where countries have been partitioned based on religion. Today lives of millions of Hindus in Bangladesh and Pakistan are in danger. Even Shia, Ahamedia and Christians are struggling in Pakistan. Tamils are persecuted in Srilanka.  Condition of minorities in India is no better-we all know situation is rapidly deteriorating in India as well.

Over the last one decade, I have seen Punteet has represented persecuted minorities from South Asia and has taken their voice to Senate and Congress. 

It is extremely important to empower Puneet in VA politics which has a very high Asian population. 

He has been a hardworking businessman. He knows the pain of small business owners as he belong to them. He has also seen how Indian H1B workers are suffering and  as they have no guarantee of getting green card even after 15 years of waiting.  In  US,  there is  voice for illegal immigrants because of active participation of Latino community. But there is no voice for the legal merit based immigration of Indians, millions of whom are stuck in "country based quota" system.

This is the sordid case of  democracy. It doesn't run by how genuine & rightful is your need but how much you have been able to push your voice & concerns  to US  representatives. That's why Puneet's election for Lt Governor matters. It is of outmost necessity for 1.8M strong Indian American to contribute to his campaign so that plight of the Indian immigrants can be heard louder in US politics. 

Please contribute to his campaign in the following link :


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Dismantling of America or rebuilding of American core values ?

I have seen Occupy Wall Street.

That failed as expected since drama is not a political movement and like every drama, such theatrical show also can sell tickets only for limited nights.

Then came Women March against Trump. In some sense, it was historic. But again it made no political impact. One may argue, we have elected more women, liberal firebrand feminists in Congress in 2018. But bare truth is swing in Congress is a cyclical phenomenon. It didn't create any impact.

Black Lives Matter has been a theme of protest on and off. In general, had this been a movement of the black people, it would have been genuine. But as expected, liberal hidden communists of the United States have penetrated into this movement and it has now turned into a "Revolution Against the Founding Father of America". Statues of George Washington, Ulysses Grant and Francis Scott Key have been vandalized and thrashed to the ground.

Without the leadership of George Washington, Patriots would have capitulated and there would be no United States of America. Without Grant, today United States would have been split into two and slavery would have continued for long time. His leadership in Civil War was crucial to free the slaves. That didn't count. Not enough said liberals because he got married into a family which owned slaves. It's heinous historical crime. So even statue of Grant has been toppled. And not to mention author of our national anthem, Francis Scott Key. It doesn't matter poor Key brought several legislation to control punishment against the slaves. All that mattered, he didn't agree with abolitionists. His crime? He wanted to humanize slavery because that's what he thought as best political option of his time! He was not progressive enough-said the liberals! That's crime enough to replace our national anthem- star spangled banner because it is written by Francis Key.

And now today, American tribes have demanded statues of American presidents in Mount Rushmore have to be demolished. Because America symbolizes the extermination of native population. May be tomorrow, they will demand change the name of "America".

But I am not one of those who believe dismantling of America has begun. American value is believing in a positive purpose. A dream to dedicate your life for a purpose. We are a nation of many heroes of blood and flesh. Small ones who have excelled in their own pursuit of "values" and made positive difference for the lives of the others.

Of course there is a growing divide of wealth and middle class is struggling. Healthcare system is broken. We are ripped by our Govt, Corporate and many crooks. But we can solve all of our problem within our framework of democracy. That requires dialogues, ideas and good leadership. Not vandalism. Not radicalism. We need to be innovative and constructive to solve our problems. Not destructive.

Presidential election is nearing. I am sure, people have to decide. Which side they will stand for now. Dismantling of America or rebuilding of American core values ?

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Death of George Floyd - Case for racism or flawed criminal justice system?

Murder of George Floyd is gruesome, despicable and barbarism.  But violence and vandalism following his death deserves equal condemnation.  However much bigger question to ask- if we do not want to see such murder by police again- what is the path forward?  At end, we want end of brutality and excessive force used by police.

   Is pressing the case of Racism right way forward ? Or we need reform in police force?

   I am not at all convinced this case can qualify as racism. FBI is investigating and eventually we will know the truth. But no one can deny, the killer officer Derek Chauvin has used abusive and objectionable force in the past at least sixteen times, And in neither of the cases he was disciplined after investigation ? Why? Shouldn't that be the most fundamental question to answer if we really want to stop police brutality? Why so much of ballyhoo over racism ignoring the most fundamental ?

  Also there is an inherent flaw in which we view "security and policing" in our society. Imagine this. Derek has worked as a bouncer in a Night club for last sixteen years. This was his part time job since police is never paid well.  Owner of the club clarified  Derek was her most trusted security despite she recalls she has reprimanded him for his high handedness with customers several times. She would loose business for rude and tough behavior of Derek right? So why still she continued to employ and trust Derek? And that club attracts a lot of black youths. Why should she risk him as security if Derek is inherently racist  bouncer ?

  Isn't the same question we should ask Minneapolis Police department? Why they failed to issue a single disciplinary action after sixteen cases of excessive force were registered against him?

  Owner of the night club and Minneapolis Police department basically took decision based on same mindset. For them "policing" "security" is viewed as "confrontational force" and not as "counselling personals " which may use force as last option. This is where there is a great difference of attitude and law in police force of Western Europe and USA.

Use of force in any modern society should be minimal. In US, by protocol, every police officer will be arresting the suspect first, neutralize him/her and then they start interrogation. This is done for safety since anyone can carry gun.  Dark shadow of second amendment can be found here as well. A society lives by the force will die by the force at the end!

This outdated approach of US police force is defunct in 21st century.  Crime is always associated with psychological issues of the criminals. Most of the time, criminals loose bigger perspective and meaning of life. This is true for criminal of all levels.  Therefore to reduce crime, dialogues with the criminal and understanding his/here mental state and addressing that professionally should be the most effective method. More than punishing them, we want redemption of the criminals in humane way. Most of the Western European countries have taken this route and they have been successful. If you treat a criminal with more force, and dump him/her as a fallen one, they will stick to more crimes and violence.

We should be ashamed as a American that we have maximum number of prisoners per 1000 population. The idea of crime in United State is archaic and outdated. And it is continued this way so that Private prison corporations can profit.  Private prison capital is responsible for keeping the criminal laws archaic. There is a bigger issue of rotten capital here.

  Unless those are addressed diverting this major issue as racism will be counterproductive.


 Murder of George Floyd is not a case of racism. As I said, if you profile his killer officer Derek Chauvin, there has not been any case of racism against him prior to this. Yes he was known for his brutal force and high handedness but not for racism. Remember he has been kept as a bouncer of a club for 16 years. A club that is extremely popular among the black youths. No owner will risk a racist security for a club popular among the blacks. So to me case for racism doesn't stand.  Even in last 16 cases he has been investigated for using brutal forces in Minneapolis police department , he has not been charged for racism.

Now whenever, I am bringing this evidence , American liberals are telling me, I am not aware of systematic racism in USA!

To tell the truth, in my experience country of my birth, India is more racist than US. I have also worked with Germans and Japanese. They are more racist than Americans.  Thanks to capitalism, here in the United States we have always upheld the merit and talent of a person first and foremost. This continues to be the case and experience of any Indian in United States with very little exception.  Yes, most of the Indians may have experienced racism or racist slur in parking lot but I have never heard any of my Indian friend ever complained they have been pulled by a police office because of their color or they have been treated unprofessionally.

My concerns for terming this case of murder and failure of criminal justice system as racism are many folds

 (1) It is digressing the attention from need of reform in  criminal justice system. No one is talking about effect of private prison capital and lack of criminal justice system thereof.

  (2)  We are telling our young generation that racism exists in USA. How that is affecting adversely to our  kids? I know it first hand from my son and some of my ex black colleagues. My son is a teen and if a teacher gives him bad grade he suspects it's due to the fact his white teacher is racist. I counselled him many times that he is making a big mistake in his judgement.  I told him irrespective whether he is a victim of racism or not, his thinking that there is a hand of racism behind his failure is totally counterproductive for him. It's true for any student of color.  Because once he starts believing in racism victim card for his failure, for rest of his life  he will not take responsibility for his own failure. There is only way a kid can be a man. When he or she will be able to take responsibility of their own failure. They have to learn from their failure and do better. But they have started thinking society will listen to their victim card play thanks existence of so many left liberal activist groups.

 (3) Look at the recent immigrants from Nigeria and other African countries. They are one of the most successful immigrant community in USA. Graduation rate among immigrant Nigerians is 2.5x times higher than US average rate and median household income is 30% better   How is that possible if there is systematic racism in USA ? I am ignoring Indians who have literally far greater number of leadership position in US.   Answer lies in (2). They pushed their case forward without getting lost in the racism narrative. I have seen many black colleagues with slave ancestry who believe that racism is behind all of their misfortune and they have issues with their further development. Many times, I have counseled them to think forward as blaming others for your misfortune doesn't help. Even if you may be partially correct.

(4)  If kids are encouraged to play victim card, we will be simply ruining their future.  They should learn life is tough. There can be discrimination and tough competition.  Life is tough, uncertain and unfair.  That's the reality. But human beings are capable of overcoming all obstacles- all the discrimination they face. They should have belief in their own ability to overcome any situation. Yes, existence of malevolence makes our lives even tougher and there is a need for political response against malevolence.  But if we  always allow ourselves to blame others for our own failure , our career and prosperity is inherently doomed.  Stoicism taught this two thousand years back  which is the foundation stone of Western Civilization.

 Western Civilization was built around the principles of Stoicism founded by great Greek and Roman philosophers. Christianity destroyed the excellence of Greco-Roman civilization by convincing the people with "victim card politics". It's only during renaissance, classical Greek philosophy was restored and western civilization was reestablished which emphasizes individual excellence through principle of stoicism.  But the very basis of Western Civilization has been under attack from Christianity, Islam, Marxism and now post-modernist liberal movements.  All of them teach to play victim card.  Playing victim card doesn't help any one, any society or any state. It's anti-thesis to great western civilization which has shown material prosperity and liberation of mankind.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Why I will not vote for Bernie

Dear Bernie Army
  I had to write this out. So that you can clearly understand my position and why I think Bernie and his ideals are dangerous for USA.

  I am a Dem Card Holder and voted for Dem President in last two elections. I also voted in last primary where I have opted for Hillary over Bernie.  I am a pacifist. I also do not like US is wasting nearly trillion of dollars in military. But being a technologist I do support R&D in Military techn to safeguard our interest. But that won't cost us more than $100B! I do support free public education and community owned healthcare. By no means, I am a die-hard capitalist. I know what would work in capitalism and what will not. And yet, I am telling you Bernie is the worst choice among all the presidential candidates.

  Please do understand we are going through a radical phase of transformation driven by automation technology.  If you elect a president who has no clue for future, future will dump us. Like the way Europeans have been dumped. Now they are begging money from China. Social welfare killed them. Craddle of modern civilization, Europe didn't deliver internet, semiconductor chips, facebook or Google. We did. Why?

 Because we, the Americans excelled because of our hard work. Because our forefathers in the country has chased their dreams 24x7 and didn't glue  to video games and then demanded we need a welfare state! Folks, there is no substitute to honest hard work for your health , your existence, your family and your state.

 Every state needs to provide welfare for older and disabled. There is nothing wrong in social security. But if you tell the young and capable, its also OK if you don't work because you will get a welfare check-no one will work. This is the case in Europe.  I have studied in Italy, been in London.  They simply don't want to work harder. As a result no one in their sane mind will start a company or new business in Europe.

Just look at how Euro car giants are now trembling before Tesla! Elon will bankrupt them soon because for last 30 years they were not innovating. Europeans had 3 months of vacation and as a result their R&D produced very little, South Korea caught up with them in 20 years. Tesla knocked them down in a straight blow.  Now what? They can't even lay off their employees. Go to Bangalore, India and you will find, European companies are outsourcing more work to India because they can not compete given their socialist nature. Nordic countries are doing better because they have so much of natural gas and wealth. Else they will also tumble like Greece , Italy and Spain.

I have grown up in state of West Bengal in India in 80s and 90s.  It was one of richest state by then. As socialist took over by rallying against rich and business class, you know what happened next? All the business left West Bengal. The state industrial production slipped from 4th to 20th in a matter of 10 years. Everyone had to leave the state to get a job.

 You know what would happen if Bernie would take over as president ? More and more business will be downsizing in USA. They will move their business to India, China and Vietnam.  More and more people will be losing jobs.  And they will earn social security checks! What you do not understand, hardly 0.1% people are capable of running business.  They work 24x7. They pursue their goals 24x7. Then new business happens.  You drive them out, there will be none to run business in USA. West Bengal faced this bitter reality after socialist took over.  You will face this bitter reality as well if Bernie is elected.

 Social security check is not a replacement of job. Job gives you the dignity of who you are. It is also answer to your existential crisis.

 And there will be another crisis. As majority of population will depend on State benefit, State and its machinery will become powerful. Politically that is a dangerous thing. It will kick start a vicious cycle of poverty.

Political technique of Bernie is nothing new. Jesus, Muhammad, Karl Marx, Lenin- they all used this same technique. Anger against rich class.  They want to remind you again and again that you are victim of political system and greed of  rich people.

I am not saying you didn't face injustice. Life is hard and full of injustice. But that's they way life is and was for time immemorial. Life is meaningful, because we fight against our rough days and we hope to see better days for us and our children. We need a system that rewards our hardwork for that. In Socialism, you get rewarded by state for your political loyalty.  Eventually your life will become dull and you will fail to penury in any socialist system as there is no reward for hardwork.

 There are other straight reasons too. Bernie never did a job. He never did a business. He was a bohemian left. It's dangerous to leave administration to people like him who are inherently void and never become part of any economy.

However, I will not say, you are so stupid that's why you are voting for Bernie. I understand how Christianity and Islam become popular because of their anti-rich stance.  It's easy to get carried away by that kind of propaganda when you do not check basic math and history.  You have been preyed.  You have fallen victim of propaganda.  Like people of state of West Bengal. They had realized the reality of socialism of late.  Lefts are now reduced to only 5% from 54% in that state as people realized they have been fooled by the lofty leftist ideals of equality, no exploitation, social welfare etc.  Same cycle will follow here as well. But I am worried by that time, there will be so much of casualty and damage, it may be irreversible fall for USA.