Friday, January 24, 2020

Why I will not vote for Bernie

Dear Bernie Army
  I had to write this out. So that you can clearly understand my position and why I think Bernie and his ideals are dangerous for USA.

  I am a Dem Card Holder and voted for Dem President in last two elections. I also voted in last primary where I have opted for Hillary over Bernie.  I am a pacifist. I also do not like US is wasting nearly trillion of dollars in military. But being a technologist I do support R&D in Military techn to safeguard our interest. But that won't cost us more than $100B! I do support free public education and community owned healthcare. By no means, I am a die-hard capitalist. I know what would work in capitalism and what will not. And yet, I am telling you Bernie is the worst choice among all the presidential candidates.

  Please do understand we are going through a radical phase of transformation driven by automation technology.  If you elect a president who has no clue for future, future will dump us. Like the way Europeans have been dumped. Now they are begging money from China. Social welfare killed them. Craddle of modern civilization, Europe didn't deliver internet, semiconductor chips, facebook or Google. We did. Why?

 Because we, the Americans excelled because of our hard work. Because our forefathers in the country has chased their dreams 24x7 and didn't glue  to video games and then demanded we need a welfare state! Folks, there is no substitute to honest hard work for your health , your existence, your family and your state.

 Every state needs to provide welfare for older and disabled. There is nothing wrong in social security. But if you tell the young and capable, its also OK if you don't work because you will get a welfare check-no one will work. This is the case in Europe.  I have studied in Italy, been in London.  They simply don't want to work harder. As a result no one in their sane mind will start a company or new business in Europe.

Just look at how Euro car giants are now trembling before Tesla! Elon will bankrupt them soon because for last 30 years they were not innovating. Europeans had 3 months of vacation and as a result their R&D produced very little, South Korea caught up with them in 20 years. Tesla knocked them down in a straight blow.  Now what? They can't even lay off their employees. Go to Bangalore, India and you will find, European companies are outsourcing more work to India because they can not compete given their socialist nature. Nordic countries are doing better because they have so much of natural gas and wealth. Else they will also tumble like Greece , Italy and Spain.

I have grown up in state of West Bengal in India in 80s and 90s.  It was one of richest state by then. As socialist took over by rallying against rich and business class, you know what happened next? All the business left West Bengal. The state industrial production slipped from 4th to 20th in a matter of 10 years. Everyone had to leave the state to get a job.

 You know what would happen if Bernie would take over as president ? More and more business will be downsizing in USA. They will move their business to India, China and Vietnam.  More and more people will be losing jobs.  And they will earn social security checks! What you do not understand, hardly 0.1% people are capable of running business.  They work 24x7. They pursue their goals 24x7. Then new business happens.  You drive them out, there will be none to run business in USA. West Bengal faced this bitter reality after socialist took over.  You will face this bitter reality as well if Bernie is elected.

 Social security check is not a replacement of job. Job gives you the dignity of who you are. It is also answer to your existential crisis.

 And there will be another crisis. As majority of population will depend on State benefit, State and its machinery will become powerful. Politically that is a dangerous thing. It will kick start a vicious cycle of poverty.

Political technique of Bernie is nothing new. Jesus, Muhammad, Karl Marx, Lenin- they all used this same technique. Anger against rich class.  They want to remind you again and again that you are victim of political system and greed of  rich people.

I am not saying you didn't face injustice. Life is hard and full of injustice. But that's they way life is and was for time immemorial. Life is meaningful, because we fight against our rough days and we hope to see better days for us and our children. We need a system that rewards our hardwork for that. In Socialism, you get rewarded by state for your political loyalty.  Eventually your life will become dull and you will fail to penury in any socialist system as there is no reward for hardwork.

 There are other straight reasons too. Bernie never did a job. He never did a business. He was a bohemian left. It's dangerous to leave administration to people like him who are inherently void and never become part of any economy.

However, I will not say, you are so stupid that's why you are voting for Bernie. I understand how Christianity and Islam become popular because of their anti-rich stance.  It's easy to get carried away by that kind of propaganda when you do not check basic math and history.  You have been preyed.  You have fallen victim of propaganda.  Like people of state of West Bengal. They had realized the reality of socialism of late.  Lefts are now reduced to only 5% from 54% in that state as people realized they have been fooled by the lofty leftist ideals of equality, no exploitation, social welfare etc.  Same cycle will follow here as well. But I am worried by that time, there will be so much of casualty and damage, it may be irreversible fall for USA.

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